Published on May 25, 2006 By Edivion In OS Customization
Hey everyone,

I have a question about WindowFX. I want all the Windows to be centered in the middle of my screen. Now they are centered at the bottom right.

Who has a solution....thanks anyway...

on May 25, 2006
The window should re-open in the same location it was last closed. To center it, you should only have to drag it to the center and make sure to close it in that location.

I use Auto-Sizer Link which is a freeware utility to maximize/center screens automatically.
WinFX has a maximize feature that allows you to set size and coordinates too.

If you are referring to "Tiles", you can adjust their positioning using the "Advanced" link in the bottom right of the tile configuration page. This will allow you to have them "Remembered" for as long as you have that window tiled. Once closed, it will not be centered - if re-opened. There is no "center" option available to choose for default.

on May 26, 2006
Thnaks for you're reaction I will try it....